Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pictures...are they really worth a thousand words?

Here are pics of the tank!! The first pic is of the whole tank. (Its very difficult to get good pics of an aquarium.) I also include a pic with two of the gouramis. The large one with the better paint job is Dudley. The smaller one with fewer stripes is Minnie. You will also see a couple of pics up close of the two rocks that my tank has, a white one and a red one. They create nice caves for everybody to hide in. You will also see a picture of Waldo the shrimp on one of the leaves. His name is Waldo because, you guessed it Where's Waldo. He is very difficult to find sometimes. And last but not least, a blurry picture of the neon crew. They like to "cruise cooper" together. I don't think they're bullies though. Its pretty peaceful in there ecosystem. The only famous person not featured in the pics is my apple snail. His name is Dozer. ( Yes like Fraggle Rock!) He doesn't like the camera. Plus he is very busy. Well enjoy. OK well I seem to have trouble uploading the pictures. Too many if this is in two parts thats why....gesshh


JoLynn said...

Love the aquarium! I cannot wait to see it. We made our reservations last night! Love you!

Tracy said...

Love the aquarium too.....I'm going to make my reservations to come down in the next week or two also.

The pictures turned out really good.